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In some cases, handling products in different units of measure is necessary. For example, a business can buy products from a country that uses the metric system, and then sell those products in a country that uses the imperial system. In that case, the business needs to convert the units.


Another case for unit conversion is when a business buys products in a big pack from a supplier, and then sells those products in individual units.

Odoo可以设置为对一个产品使用不同的 计量单位(UoM)

Odoo can be set up to use different units of measure (UoM) for one product.


要在Odoo中使用不同的计量单位,请先转到 库存 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置,然后在 产品 区域下,激活 计量单位 设置。然后,点击保存。

To use different units of measure in Odoo, first go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, and under the Products section, activate the Units of Measure setting. Then, click Save.

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启用 计量单位 设置后,在 库存 ‣ 配置 ‣ 计量单位类别 中查看默认的度量单位类别。该类别对于单位换算很重要; 只有 当两个单位属于同一类别时,Odoo才能将产品的单位从一个单位换算为另一个单位。

After enabling the Units of Measure setting, view the default units of measure categories in Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ UoM Categories. The category is important for unit conversion; Odoo can convert a product’s units from one unit to another only if both units belong to the same category.

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每个计量单位类别都有一个参考单位。参考单位在 计量单位类别 页面的 单位 列中以蓝色高亮显示。Odoo使用参考单位作为任何新单位的基础。

Each units of measure category has a reference unit. The reference unit is highlighted in blue in the Uom column of the Units of Measure Categories page. Odoo uses the reference unit as a base for any new units.

要创建新单位,请先从 计量单位类别 页面中选择合适的类别。例如,要销售一个装箱 6 件商品的产品,请单击 单位 类别行。然后,在显示的类别页面上,单击 计量单位 选项卡中的 添加明细行 。然后,在 计量单位 字段中,为新单位命名,例如 6件每箱 ,然后在 类型 字段中,选择适当的大小参考,例如 大于参照单位

To create a new unit, first select the correct category from the Units of Measure Categories page. For example, to sell a product in a box of six units, click the Unit category line. Then, on the category page that appears, click Add a line in the Units of Measure tab. Then, in the Unit of Measure field, title the new unit, such as Box of 6, then in the Type field, select the appropriate size reference, such as Bigger than the reference Unit of Measure.

如果适用,请输入 UNSPSC类别,这是由 GS1 管理的全球公认代码,必须 购买才能使用。

If applicable, enter a UNSPSC Category, which is a globally recognized code managed by GS1, that must be purchased in order to use.

比例 字段中,输入新计量单位中有多少个体单位,例如当使用 6-Pack 的例子时为 6.00000 (因为 6件每箱 是参考单位 1.00000 的6倍)。

In the Ratio field, enter how many individual units are in the new UoM, such as 6.00000 when using the example of the 6-Pack (since a box of six is six times bigger than the reference unit, 1.00000).

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要设置产品的计量单位,请先转到 库存 ‣ 产品 ‣ 产品 ,选择一个产品并打开其产品表单页面。

To set units of measure on a product, first go to Inventory app ‣ Products ‣ Products and select a product to open its product form page.

基本信息 选项卡中,编辑 计量单位 字段以指定销售产品的计量单位。指定的单位也是用于跟踪产品库存和内部转移的单位。

In the General Information tab, edit the Unit of Measure field to specify the unit of measure that the product is sold in. The specified unit is also the unit used to keep track of the product’s inventory and internal transfers.

编辑 采购单位 字段以指定购买产品的计量单位。

Edit the Purchase UoM field to specify the unit of measure that the product is purchased in.



Odoo automatically converts unit measurements when products have different UoMs and purchase UoMs.


This occurs in various scenarios, including:

  1. 供应商订单:采购订单 (PO) 的采购计量单位转换为内部仓库单据的计量单位

  2. 自动补货:当产品的库存水平(以计量单位跟踪)低于一定水平时,生成采购订单。但是,采购订单是使用 采购单位 创建的

  3. 销售产品:如果在销售订单 (SO) 上使用不同的计量单位,交货单的数量单位将转换为仓库的首选计量单位

  4. Vendor orders: purchase UoM on purchase orders (POs) converts to UoM on internal warehouse documents

  5. Automatic replenishment: generates POs when the stock levels of a product (tracked in UoM) dips below a certain level. But, the POs are created using the purchase UoM

  6. Sell products: if a different UoM is used on the sales order (SO), the quantity is converted to the warehouse’s preferred UoM on the delivery order


在采购应用中创建新的询价(RFQ)时,Odoo会自动使用产品指定的采购单位。如果需要,请手动编辑 询价单(RFQ) 上的计量单位值。

When creating a new request for quotation (RFQ) in the Purchase app, Odoo automatically uses the product’s specified purchase unit of measure. If needed, manually edit the UoM value on the RFQ.

在询价确认为采购订单后,单击采购订单顶部的 收货 智能按钮。

After the RFQ is confirmed into a PO, click the Receipt smart button at the top of the PO.

Odoo会自动将采购计量单位转换为产品的销售/库存计量单位,因此收货单的 需求 列显示转换后的数量。

Odoo automatically converts the purchase unit of measure into the product’s sales/inventory unit of measure, so the Demand column of the delivery receipt shows the converted quantity.


当产品的采购计量单位为 6件每箱 ,其销售/库存计量单位为 时,采购订单(PO)以 6件每箱 为单位显示数量,收货单(和其他内部仓库单据)以 为单位显示数量。

When the product’s purchase UoM is Box of 6, and its sales/inventory unit of measure is Units, the PO shows the quantity in boxes of six, and the receipt (and other internal warehouse documents) shows the quantity in units.

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使用 6件每箱的采购 “计量单位” 下达三个数量的订单

An order of three quantities is placed using the purchase “UoM”: Box of 6.

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入库收货后,以 为内部“计量单位”来记录数量

Upon warehouse receipt, the recorded quantities are in the internal “Unit of Measure”: Units.


也可以使用 执行补货 按钮直接从产品表单生成 询价单(RFQ)。

A request for quotation for a product can also be generated directly from the product form using the Replenish button.

单击 执行补货 后,会出现一个执行补货弹框。如果需要,可以在 数量 字段中手动编辑采购计量单位。然后,单击 确认 以创建 询价单(RFQ)。

After clicking Replenish, a replenish assistant box pops up. The purchase unit of measure can be manually edited in the Quantity field, if needed. Then, click Confirm to create the RFQ.


仅当 产品表单页面的 采购 选项卡中至少列出 一个 供应商时,才能自动生成采购订单(PO)。

A PO can only be automatically generated if at least one vendor is listed in the product form’s Purchase tab.

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通过单击产品表单页面上的 预测 智能按钮导航到创建的采购订单。向下滚动到 预测库存 部分,然后在 询价采购在途)行中,单击询价参考编号以打开询价草稿。如有必要,可直接在采购订单(PO)上编辑采购计量单位。

Navigate to the created PO by clicking the Forecasted smart button on the product form. Scroll down to the Forecasted Inventory section, and in the Requests for quotation line, click the RFQ reference number to open the draft RFQ. If necessary, the purchase UoM can be edited directly on the PO.



When creating a new quotation in the Sales app, Odoo automatically uses the product’s specified unit of measure. If needed, the UoM can be manually edited on the quotation.

将报价单发送给客户并确认为销售订单(SO)后,单击销售订单(SO)顶部的 交货 智能按钮。Odoo会自动将计量单位转换为产品的库存计量单位,因此交货单 作业 选项卡中的 需求 列显示转换后的数量。

After the quotation is sent to the customer, and confirmed into a sales order (SO), click the Delivery smart button at the top of the SO. Odoo automatically converts the unit of measure into the product’s inventory unit of measure, so the Demand column of the delivery shows the converted quantity.

例如,如果销售订单(SO)中的产品计量单位更改为 6件每箱 ,但其库存计量单位为 ,销售订单(SO) 以 6件每箱 为单位显示数量,而交货单以 为单位显示数量。

For example, if the product’s UoM on the SO was changed to Box of 6, but its inventory unit of measure is Units, the SO shows the quantity in boxes of six, and the delivery shows the quantity in units.