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批次序列号 是Odoo中识别和跟踪产品的两种方式。虽然这两种可追溯性方法之间存在相似之处,但也存在影响收货、交货和库存报告的明显差异。

Lots and serial numbers are the two ways to identify and track products in Odoo. While there are similarities between the two traceability methods, there are also notable differences that affect receipts, deliveries, and inventory reports.

批次 通常表示已收到、当前存储或从仓库发货的特定批次物料。当然,它也可以适用于内部制造的一批产品。

A lot usually indicates a specific batch of an item that was received, is currently stored, or was shipped from a warehouse. However, it can also pertain to a batch of products manufactured in-house, as well.


A serial number is a unique identifier assigned incrementally (or sequentially) to an item or product, used to distinguish it from other items or products.



To track products using lots and serial numbers, the Lots & Serial Numbers feature must be enabled.

为此,请转到 库存 应用程序 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置 ,向下滚动到 可追溯性 部分,然后单击 批次和序列号 旁边的框。然后,点击 保存 按钮保存更改。

To do that, go to the Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, scroll down to the Traceability section, and click the box next to Lots & Serial Numbers. Then, click the Save button to save changes.

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Lots are useful for products that are manufactured or received in large quantities, such as clothes or food. Lots and can be used to trace a product back to a group, which is especially useful when managing product recalls or expiration dates.


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Manufacturers assign lot numbers to groups of products that have common properties; this can lead to multiple goods sharing the same lot number. This helps identify a number of products in a single group, and allows for end-to-end traceability of these products through each step in their life cycles.



The goal of assigning serial numbers to individual products is to make sure every item’s history is identifiable when it travels through the supply chain. This can be especially useful for manufacturers that provide after-sales services related to products they sell and deliver.


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Serial numbers can contain many different types of characters: numbers, letters, typographical symbols, or a mixture of all three types.



Manufacturers and companies can refer to traceability reports to see the entire life cycle of a product. These reports include vital information, like where it came from (and when), where it was stored, and to whom it was sent.

要查看产品的完整可追溯性,或按批次和/或序列号对产品进行分组,请转到 库存 应用程序 ‣ 产品 ‣ 批次/序列号。这样做会显示“批次/序列号”仪表板。

To see the full traceability of a product, or group products by lots and/or serial numbers, go to Inventory app ‣ Products ‣ Lots/Serial Numbers. Doing so reveals the Lots/Serial Numbers dashboard.


From here, products with lots or serial numbers assigned to them are listed by default. They can also be expanded to show what lots or serial numbers have been specifically assigned to them.


To group by lots or serial numbers, first remove any default filters from the search bar in the upper-right corner. Then, click Group By, and select Add Custom Group, which reveals a mini drop-down menu. From this mini drop-down menu, select Lot/Serial Number, and click Apply.


Doing so reveals all existing lots and serial numbers, and each can be expanded to show all product quantities with that assigned number. For unique serial numbers that are not reused, there should only be one product per serial number.

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For additional information regarding an individual lot number or serial number, click the line item for the lot or serial number to reveal that specific number’s Lot or Serial Number form. From this form, click the Location and Traceability smart buttons to see all stock on-hand using that serial number. Any operations made using that lot or serial number can be found here, as well.